Guncle Abroad (Guncle #2)

Steven Rowley

Contemporary Humor

Patrick O’Hara is called back to his guncle duties . . . This time for a big family wedding in Italy.

Patrick O’Hara is back. It’s been five years since his summer as his niece Maisie and nephew Grant’s caretaker after their mother’s passing. The kids are back in Connecticut with their dad, and Patrick has relocated to New York to remain close by and relaunch his dormant acting career. After the run of his second successful sit-com comes to a close, Patrick feels on top of the world . . . professionally. But some things have had to take a back seat. Looking down both barrels at fifty, Patrick is single again after breaking things off with Emory. But at least he has a family to lean on. Until that family needs to again lean on him.

When Patrick’s brother, Greg, announces he’s getting remarried in Italy, Maisie and Grant are not thrilled. Patrick feels drawn to take the two back under his wing. As they travel through Europe on their way to the wedding, Patrick tries his best to help them understand love, much as he once helped them comprehend grief. But when they arrive in Italy, Patrick is overextended managing a groom with cold feet; his sister, Clara, flirting with guests left and right; a growing rivalry with the kids’ charming soon-to-be-launt (lesbian aunt), and two moody young teens trying to adjust to a new normal, all culminating in a disastrous rehearsal dinner.

Can Patrick save the day? Will teaching the kids about love help him repair his own love life? Can the change of scenery help Patrick come to terms with finally growing up?

Gracing the work with his signature blend of humor and heart, Steven Rowley charms with a beloved story about the complicated bonds of family, love, and what it takes to rediscover yourself, even at the ripe age of fifty.

-Excerpt taken from Goodreads.

Check Goodreads to see the book’s ratings.

My Opinion

4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5) I fell in love with the first Guncle book in 2021. It was full of grief, healing and love. I could not pass up the chance to read book two. And I’m happy to say I loved this one too.

In a continuation from book one, a few years have passed and the kids Maisie and Grant are not so little anymore. They are now facing the reality of their father marrying someone new. Of course the loveable Guncle Patrick steps in and comedy with emotional moments ensue.

Rowley did a great job of balancing grief with humor but also keeping it reverent to the one that had passed. He dives deep into the real grief of children and the lack of understanding they have in these situations. Then because dad is able to move on, how the kids feel. We also got a glimpse into the dad’s feelings and his fiance which was such a great addition to the book.

“The problem with children is that they’re not returnable.”

But just as the last book, Patrick had me laughing out loud many times. I adore his punchy banter and wit. He says it like it is but is just about the only one who can get away with such honesty. Patrick is the perfect combination of sensitive and irreverent. So not only is the book entertaining, it’s raw and real and shows grief in a healthy way. My favorite aspect of that was that Patrick was intent on keeping their mom’s memory alive and have her a part of their experiences as much as possible. He was also the best at taking a difficult situation and showing the positive or being able to reach the children’s emotions when no one else could. Their deep talks about love and why we should love was a favorite moment of mine.

The book was so well written that I felt I was in Europe with them. I definitely had dreams of Italy! I recommend this to those that love a good romance, punchy banter and a feel-good message.

AUDIO REVIEW: It was read by author, Steven Rowley himself. Do I need to say more? He delivered the sarcasm and sensitivity with ease.

General content summary: F words= 5

Children assessing their father’s fiance after their mom died 

M/M intimacy (implied, and another foreplay)

M/M marriage 

Menstruation (mentioned)

Crude (and humorous) sexual remarks 

Alcohol (multiple) 

God and religion and afterlife 


**Any quotes have been taken from the advance readers copy and may or may not be in the final, published copy.

Thank you to PRH Audio for the copy!

The book is out now!

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